import { Wifi, Zap } from "lucide-react";
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
interface Hero115Props {
icon?: React.ReactNode;
heading: string;
description: string;
button: {
text: string;
icon?: React.ReactNode;
url: string;
trustText?: string;
imageSrc?: string;
imageAlt?: string;
const Hero115 = ({
icon = <Wifi className="size-6" />,
heading = "Blocks built with Shadcn & Tailwind",
description = "Finely crafted components built with React, Tailwind and Shadcn UI. Developers can copy and paste these blocks directly into their project.",
button = {
text: "Discover Features",
icon: <Zap className="ml-2 size-4" />,
url: "",
trustText = "Trusted by 25.000+ Businesses Worldwide",
imageSrc = "",
imageAlt = "placeholder",
}: Hero115Props) => {
return (
<section className="overflow-hidden py-32">
<div className="container">
<div className="flex flex-col gap-5">
<div className="relative flex flex-col gap-5">
transform: "translate(-50%, -50%)",
className="absolute left-1/2 top-1/2 -z-10 mx-auto size-[800px] rounded-full border p-16 [mask-image:linear-gradient(to_top,transparent,transparent,white,white,white,transparent,transparent)] md:size-[1300px] md:p-32"
<div className="size-full rounded-full border p-16 md:p-32">
<div className="size-full rounded-full border"></div>
<span className="mx-auto flex size-16 items-center justify-center rounded-full border md:size-20">
<h2 className="mx-auto max-w-screen-lg text-balance text-center text-3xl font-medium md:text-6xl">
<p className="mx-auto max-w-screen-md text-center text-muted-foreground md:text-lg">
<div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3 pb-12 pt-3">
<Button size="lg" asChild>
<a href={button.url}>
{button.text} {button.icon}
{trustText && (
<div className="text-xs text-muted-foreground">{trustText}</div>
className="mx-auto h-full max-h-[524px] w-full max-w-screen-lg rounded-2xl object-cover"
export { Hero115 };