12 Faq blocks built with Shadcn UI, Tailwind & React.
import {Accordion,AccordionContent,AccordionItem,AccordionTrigger,} from "@/components/ui/accordion";interface FaqItem {question: string;answer: string;}interface Faq1Props {heading?: string;items?: FaqItem[];}const Faq1 = ({heading = "Frequently asked questions",items = [{question: "What is a FAQ?",answer:"A FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions and answers on a particular topic.",},{question: "What is the purpose of a FAQ?",answer:"The purpose of a FAQ is to provide answers to common questions and help users find the information they need quickly and easily.",},{question: "How do I create a FAQ?",answer:"To create a FAQ, you need to compile a list of common questions and answers on a particular topic and organize them in a clear and easy-to-navigate format.",},{question: "What are the benefits of a FAQ?",answer:"The benefits of a FAQ include providing quick and easy access to information, reducing the number of support requests, and improving the overall user experience.",},],}: Faq1Props) => {return (<section className="py-32"><div className="container"><h1 className="mb-4 text-3xl font-semibold md:mb-11 md:text-5xl">{heading}</h1>{items.map((item, index) => (<Accordion key={index} type="single" collapsible><AccordionItem value={`item-${index}`}><AccordionTrigger className="hover:text-foreground/60 hover:no-underline">{item.question}</AccordionTrigger><AccordionContent>{item.answer}</AccordionContent></AccordionItem></Accordion>))}</div></section>);};export { Faq1 };